Corduroy is a classic children's book written by Ruth Comfort Mitchell. The story follows the adventures of a small teddy bear named Corduroy, who lives in a department store. Corduroy has been sitting on the shelf for a long time, waiting for someone to take him home. One day, a little girl named Lisa visits the store and falls in love with Corduroy. However, Lisa's mother tells her that they cannot buy the bear because he is missing a button on his overalls. Determined to have Corduroy as her own, Lisa saves up her own money to buy him. Corduroy is a heartwarming story about the power of love, determination, and acceptance. It teaches children the importance of looking beyond appearances and finding value and beauty in everyone. The book is beautifully illustrated and written in simple yet engaging language, making it accessible to young readers. Corduroy has become a beloved classic and a must-have for any child's book collection.